Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My Quarter Life Crisis

Why is it so incredibly hard to write the closing lines of a chapter in life, and move onto the uncomfortable first steps of a new chapter? I hate transitions, despite the fact I know it forces me to grow as a person. Life was much easier as a five year old, when the only worries I had was where I would place the Police HQ in my Lego Town. Now my major worry is how do I not end up in the real Police HQ.
For the first time in my life, I am losing friends to the real world. The responsibility monster is corroding my friends personalities, and I feel I'm the only one who wants to kick it with Geoffrey the Giraffe.


Unknown said...

you still have me honky and i'll be damned if you're gonna lose me to the real world. :) Miss you!

smokesandbolts said...

Said, the Real World called and was wanted to know if you knew anybody that could score a satchel? I told it to call Dave, but he probably didn't answer.

smokesandbolts said...
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