You may ask, Said, what the begeezus is a highline. And I would retort, Living!
Scott, Jeff, and I went up to Castlewood Canyon and set up a high line on some cliffs out there. We didn't scope out the spot before cruising up there, aside from hasty looks on google earth, so there could have def been some improvements on the line. But we are chock full of adventure, and nothing was going to get us down on this day. It took 4 hours to set up the line. We set up 7 anchors to each side, so that if one broke, we'd have 6 others to rely on. After much watching, waiting, and rigging we finally got the line set up.
On to the walking...or lack thereof. Scott was able to send on his second try, which is amazing considering he has never had highline experience before. In addition, our friend Taylor joined us after we set up the line, and quickly sent as well. He's got some skills. Of course success does not come with out a little bit of failure. We took whippers. Big ones.
Overall, the day was amazing. This experience is like nothing else in life, I can't even begin to explain it to you. Its like every fear within in you wells up inside your chest and tightens its grip on you until you are unable to move even one muscle. Rationalization is not an option. But when you are able to seize that moment, and move past your fear and attempt to function. That feeling is ridiculously amazing, and can not be replaced, or redirected with out placing yourself in a situation which draws the fear out of you. Ultimately it is a new experience, and I could ask nothing more of life on this day.
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