Perhaps part of it was the fact we weren't very good at exploring for new boulders, but I feel a much bigger hand in our aimless wanderings was the poor description of boulder locations, and the lack of a proper map to get us there. Now we are much older, much more experienced, and I like to think we're much wiser, but that is always up to debate. Now I armed with education in the field of Geographic Information Systems, and it is time climbing guides on the front range are revolutionized in terms of accuracy and precision. I've decided to take it upon myself to create a guidebook for the 3 Sisters area in Evergreen in an attempt to create a guidebook which focuses on getting climbers to the boulders they desire with minimal knowledge of the area.
Today I hooked up with Luke Childres a 3rd generation First Ascentionist that has developed a great deal of the 3 Sisters area in the last 10 - 15 years. He is truly a legend in his own right, and he gave me the pleasure of working with him today. We gathered all sorts of data for the guidebook, and I am very excited to see the distribution of areas and boulders from a cartographic perspective. Here are a few pictures from our day.
Parking Lot 2
The First Ascentionist Taking Flight.
The Author on the Prince.
Gaining wisdom on Wisdom.
right on man! though I'm nowhere close to being familiar with the climbing out there, I'm stoked to hear about this development! You'll have to hook me up with one once it is all said and done.
Of Course Tom. Next time you come for a ski trip, we should take a day to go climb.
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