Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Tricks

I just had the most wonderful evening. I met new friends, I did some serious slacklining, did a little Underground Exploration.
With so many pursuits of the moment, I don't often get the opportunity to stop, have an introspective moment, and reflect on the blessedness of my life, my ability, and my relationships. I am truly happy for every one of these. I have some of the best friends I could ever ask for, and I am able to pursue my passions with a fairly capable and healthy body. To everyone out there reading this, I thank you for being a part of my life, whether it is direct or indirect.
Here is a video Charlie took of me slacklining. Althought I'm the only one who appears in the video, I would not have had the smile on my face with out those friends who were around me.


Unknown said...

next trick, wall stall then back flip onto slack line, do it.

T Lit said...

that is f-ing ridiculous mane! Psyched to see the updates! Need I ask how everything goes these days--it seems pretty excellent! And Santi comes in a few days!!! TOo bad I couldn't get my shit together enough thiss summer to make a trip of my own out there! Soon, buddy, soon. Catch ya l ater