Last night Scott, Josh, Larkin, and I rigged up a highline in the peaceful calm before the ensuing storm on North Table Mountain at the Golden Spire. It was only my 4th line, and it was in the dark. The weather was unusually cooperative after its inital bouts to boot us off the mountain. We strapped on our patience pants and set up in a timely fashion. By we I mean Scott because I have a limited idea of what I'm doing. I did take the opportunity to set up my tripod and take some pictures however.
Larkin joined us as I was flailing about on the line. I had sent the downward direction, and was having trouble cruising the uphill direction. Luckily Larkin brought a few powerful portable lights, and the pictures turned out great..when we used them. Police cars flashed their lights on us from below in Golden, so we decided to forgoe the lights for the 2nd half of the session. However the ambient light from the storm and glow from the lights reflecting off the clouds were more than enough to allow us to see the short line.
It was a really great time. Scott and I reflected on how much fun these mid week excursions were, and agreed much more of these shenanigans would take place in the coming months. Here are a few pics of the Ninja Night Sesh.
Scott sorting his many lines to find the right one.
Scott and Josh kicking it at Dusk.
I asked Scott to hold still for 15 seconds for this shot. The ambience of the sky did not show up in the pictures unfortunately.
Scott sends in "Full Man" Style
Hero Picture on top of North Table Mountain.